HomeVIDEOAdorable photo of Paul Okoye (P-Square) and his son, Andre! One word to them please..!

Adorable photo of Paul Okoye (P-Square) and his son, Andre! One word to them please..!

Adorable photo of Paul Okoye (P-Square) and his son, Andre! One word to them please..!

Ona hizi nyingine kali zaidi, Fungua hapa chini


Message to all ladies and boys of nowadays: During the days of our mothers and grandmothers, virginity was the pride of every young maiden. A priceless gift they present to their long-awaiting hubby on the night of their wedding.Those days, couples looked forward to their honey moon with so much anticipation. Because for the bride(sometimes the groom too), it’s a new beginning of their sex lives. All the things they’ve heard in whispers would be totally put into practice. Wow! I could imagine how she would feel as she spreads her innocent legs wide and watches the Almighty Anaconda slowly and ticklish penetrates her cubicle, breaking the gate that has been shielding it and then welcomes her into the ever-exciting world of sexual ecstasy.But could the same be said of our contemporary society now? Impatience and moral decadence has really stolen the virginity pride from us. Girls wouldn’t want to be told about sex, they want to experiment it themselves. While men of nowadays would do anything to lure even under-aged girls to their bed.I was indeed very surprised when a 13-year-old JSS 2 student sent me a text asking if she is old enough to indulge in sexual acts. I asked why she wanted to make sex her priority in life instead of her education -the same act she would start running away from in due time - so why on earth must she rush into it at that tender age? I also remember those days, when men get frustrated in their attempt to see a lady’s cleavage.The women made sure they wore clothes that cover up every vital part of their body. Lost by the beauty of her eyes, heart,character and other little places they manage to see through, they would crave to have her for keeps, so as to have the opportunity of seeing all her endowments in full the moments she becomes his wife.The eager husband-to-be would be so eager to unveil his bride and devour all she has been hiding. His impatience would make him agree to "ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS " It is totally a different ball game now. In reality women don’t wear panties; instead they tie coloured ropes round their waist. Amazingly, I have heard people say that real women don’t wear panties. How true could that be? Their reasons for coming to such conclusion, I can’t say, but hope your guess is not as good as mine - i.e. for easy access to their treasure islands. You will also see ladies dressed in two-piece clothes that could easily be mistaken for a scarf. The most annoying part is that you would still see the same girls battling to draw their skirts down and in the process pushing the little cloth barely covering their boobs up and down.

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