Resident Malampaka Simiyu region, Benedictor Bulobo (30), has thrown in prison will kakotumikia imprisonment for 30 years after being found guilty of raping a nine year old daughter.
He was sentenced to Maswa District Court yesterday and the Senior Magistrate in Charge Agatha Chigulu, having satisfied with the evidence presented by the prosecution.
Delivering the verdict the judge said that he gave the punishment to end such
practices and warn malevolent wanting to commit an offense if that learn to stop such behavior.
Chigulu explained that it is an offense contrary to section 131 of the Act of the penal code chapter 16 revised in 2012.
Initially the court was told by Police Prosecutor, Nassibu Swedy been accused committed the crime on February 23 last year at 5:00 am.
Alimnajisi child places his home after the arrest to force the girl student of the first class in Primary School Malampaka and bring him to his room he pombaka.
He said the child received severe pain after injury genitals, he cried out for help and they arrived at the scene, arrest and bring Bulobo in Malampaka police station.
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