bound hands from behind.

Demonstrators protesting apartheid.
New VIDEO prevalent Online ikiwaonesha two American police officers in Barstow in California, the US being pushed down a woman who is eight months pregnant African descent with her hands tied behind the back strap.
The incident allegedly occurring recently when police they asks him the woman who recognized the name of Harlena Michelle Cooks awaoneshe his identity and he refuse to show that they take on the role of pushing from the car to the bottom which liliamsha anger the majority of US blacks (pieds African) and make manadamano in the city of California.
Video released by the Human Rights Organization of American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLUF) has spread rapidly on social networks and received with strong emotions and black Americans with organizations defending human rights.
Negotiating posture practice that is discriminatory, cruel, abusive and violates human rights.
The event limejiri while kukishuhudiwa increase of acts of violence by white police brutality against black Americans.
Already several young American of African descent have been killed innocent white police custody this year, the issue showing continued racism in a country that prides itself on being a supposedly good record of integrity and equality for all people.
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