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HomeVIDEOGreeKe's transport minister.

GreeKe's transport minister.

In 2009 Kenya had entered the Headlines about ishu the White House that country to buy luxury cars and became skendo very big as when vehicles being purchased President Mwai Kibaki was on vacation at the time ... the Parliament of Tanzania crying also ishu the respondent about the government using luxury cars, working on the story is located very different from Greece.

Yanis Varoufakis is the Minister of Finance of Greece, the family even has not much charm .. no need kuzinguana on traffic jams nor why, its transportation to office is aka boda boda motorcycle !!
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Ready to go 
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The Minister is not selfish, Euclid gives to lift Tsakalotos who is the Deputy Minister of International Economic Relations of Ugiriki.

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Mheshimiwa Waziri kafunguliwa geti anaingia zake Ofisini mdogomdogo !!
imageProcedural absolute leader of its role should be in the car and have a driver kumwendesha, but this is the transport of choice of his heart completely my man !!

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