Saw this on Facebook and decided to share with us,all the 15 magical ways u can make YOUR relationship wax stronger.
1. When she walks away from you angry [follow her]
2. When she stares at your lips [kiss her]
3. When she pushes you or hit's you [grab her and don't let go]
4. When she's quiet [ask her what's wrong]
5. When she ignores you [She's angry give heryour attention]
6. When she pulls away [pull her back]
7. When you see her at her worst [tell her she's beautiful]
8. When you see her crying [just hold her and don't say a word she will tell u what went wrong ]
9. When you see her walking [sneak up to her and hug her waist from behind]
10. When she's scared [protect her]
11. When she lay's her head on your shoulder[raise her head up and kiss her]
12. When she grabs your hands [hold her hands and play with her fingers]
13. When she bump's into you [bump intoherback and make her laugh ]
14. When she tells you a secret [keep it safe ]
15. When she looks at you in your eyes [don't lookaway until she does,she's admiring you ]
With these you will Strengthen your relationship .
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