Beautiful girl at steal SUPERMARKET
It's a shame 100%! Beautiful bright, code-named one of Winifrida, has suffered the humiliation of its kind after being trapped in the supermarket steals allegedly pafyumu that such behavior is booming currently in Dar daughters majority.
Miss that he controlled.
The incident was shameful to pass seizure uncovered by this newspaper lilijiri last weekend in Supermarket TSN existing renewal Bamaga-Torch in Dar.Habari from our testimonial stated that, beautiful man entered the supermarket the carrying pouch big as he turned to check prices items and arrived in the pafyumu shelf stood there.
...Akificha sura yake kwa aibu.
Shuhuda huyo alisema kuwa baada ya kuona mrembo huyo amesimama hapo kwa muda mrefu wahudumu walianza kumpiga chabo ambapo waligundua anachukua pafyumu hizo na kuziweka kwenye mkoba wake huku akiwa amejiziba na pampers ya mtoto aliyoishika akiangalia bei.
“Nilimuona anavyochikichia zile pafyumu lakini nikamnyamazia tu kwa sababu nilitaka nione mwisho wake ni nini.
“Nilimuacha hadi alivyozoa nyingi na akaanza kuondoka,” alisema shuhuda huyo.
“Nilimuacha hadi alivyozoa nyingi na akaanza kuondoka,” alisema shuhuda huyo.
Baadhi ya vitu alivyoiba.
Communicators said that after filling the bag, beautiful, who chose to leave when the workers followed him out and told him to go back inside before discredit. "After returning, some people began giving him literature as regular staff salaries cut due to the disappearance of objects, "said the witness.
He said that, after publication, he sent a beautiful police station Kijitonyama 'innermost thoughts' where he had to pay twice the cost of all the things he vyokutwa them. Until this issue is going mitamboni, that was beautiful in the process of paying those items.
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