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Boy Juma Rajab was seen with injuries. And Aaron Sanchawa young man known only by the name of Juma Rajab, 23, (pictured), a resident of Stone Samli District IIala Dar almost killed after eating defeat areas Buguruni Sheli, which caused him to face the police Amana Hospital in Dar es Salaam treatment.

Our source said the boy was beaten to unconsciousness by her wicked who claimed to have been robbed and beaten after they were believed to be dead.

"These young men beat him after he lost consciousness and knowing that they have killed him, so they left in place until a police patrol arrived to pick him up," said a source, which however is not disclosed what he was accused of stealing.

Reports indicate that some people who know the boy they had conveyed the news to their home claiming to have been murdered and his body lies Amana Hospital, so funeral arrangements occurred.

"On Saturday morning the family after getting reports of 'disaster' shared responsibilities, there are some who go fiance grave, there were going to buy cloths and catering of food took place," said the mother of the young man who introduced himself as the Third Mohamed (65).

Mrs. Tatu said each was given his role were staged by going to Amana Hospital arrived they found Juma alive but being hurt by several threads sewn different parts of his body.

"People who go to the Deposit notify us by telephone that week he died, so zikasitishwa disaster operations immediately and they declared and dispersed.

Interviewed by this newspaper Juma said that he was beaten by strangers after people implied to be a thief.

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