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HomeBURUDANIFormer Member of Chadema Zitto Kabwe Official Amepokewa Within ACT..Yametimia

Former Member of Chadema Zitto Kabwe Official Amepokewa Within ACT..Yametimia

Begone does not become a ... Now have! Despite spoken for so long on associated with the new party's political ACT-Tanzania against the former MP for Kigoma North Zitto Ruyagwa Kabwe has now been true for MP 

after today Saturday, March 21, received an official with the party and handed a card with the number 007194. This follows one day after Zitto declare cascading legislative and write an official letter where now he has been a member of the ACT-Tanzania and pledged to continue fighting within the party. NB: ACT-Tanzania: its length is: Party Alliance for Change and Transparence (ACT-Tanzania). Party's headquarters are Kijitonyama in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

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