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HomeUDAKUMAMA NAY get a shocked!

MAMA NAY get a shocked!

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IT has been the subject matter! A few days after staa of Bongo Fleva, Emmanuel Elibariki 'Nay of Traps' allegedly kumfumania his girlfriend Siwema Edson then move on to the baby of three months (Curtis), a beautiful he has emerged to claim the child not belonging to Mbongo Fleva the circumstances that led to her mother Nay parent may shock, Friday headed whip gives you step by step.
Mbongo Fleva, Emmanuel Elibariki 'Nay of Traps' Siwema accompanied by his girlfriend.
Last Friday, one stomach with this newspaper on Friday reported the occurrence of Nay kutonywa be mchumba'ke he escapes in Mwanza she live where Nay decided a trip from Dar to Mwanza and kumfumania Siwema reference to 'serengeti boy' wives.
And of the traps he and his son who is known by the name of Curtis.


Immediately after the news that soar up into the air, a close friend and was impressed wire Siwema our correspondent where he explained how Siwema displeased with the information.

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"I was Siwema, in fact has very complained Nay, says since she was pregnant had a very serious crisis and Nay, even the birth has been endured items tablet from relatives (Nay)
Nay having Siwema.


"The more he was complained Siwema is on Nay said he take by surprise when that day she found she nursed her son, even when he says They found the man, slow motion to Nay say that when myself told him you do not want to allow him to seek a master now has found complains why again?

AMPA logs tyrant Siwema

"First Siwema has its executive government is the one who gave him a tyrant, now I do not even mfuatafuata to do," said the friend.
Drive a Toyota Lexus was yonunuliwa Siwema and Nay.
After capturing Shosti talks to him, our correspondent Trapper Siwema himself to know he zungumziaje saga, she found, was opened:
"That we stopped just in life there is usually very secret, I know many people are speaking things which they know well, I started a relationship with Nay many days and around there I have my things were cleaner than he who even name was not, namshangaa today the words he yoropoka for people supposedly had nifumania when the day comes for me he found me I carried my son and I had namnyonyesha Curtis, try to think a little fear of God.
Increase disclosure of wrong doing
"There's so much dirt was done and yet say kanihonga car, it is a decade since this car (Toyota Mark X) is mine, did not remember the Toyota Lexus and Toyota that I gave to my Verossa? Amenirudisha behind life that the mother and her sister knows this, since I've been with him I are the only offender? I yuhuyu who I was asking for forgiveness every dawning day to the end he nitamkia will find a boyfriend, but it still did not remember and continue to talk of lies? "
APIGILIA nail embryo
"I know actually has children over three, I think that the majority still has time to mention only be known in the community should assume she loved Curtis, amuache just mean its not me who I can find out more the father of the child and not to assume ambitious and want kunichafulia in society when in fact naujua me, "said Siwema.
MAMA I get a shock
Following the news that the Nay kumfumania Siwema and married him to his son that the child is not open to Nay, a source close to the family what he kimepenyeza msaanii information that the mother of Nay, Matlida MWAIPOPO got a shock and failure to discuss the issue.
"Mama Nay has received a shock, pressure has gone and here we talk to you, we have tried to comfort him so he can help this problem family, has failed to talk about anything," said the source.
NAY Alia overnight
Nay Alipotafutwa importance and relevance of the event, he failed to talk any more right potafutwa found and even later still spoke crying.
"The issue of being told the baby is not mine linaliza and up to this time Naumia much, reaches when I can not even say why, but she wanted me will find it, you let her continue rattling and harassing me in Instagram, the fact I have no word to him and the more I took my son and I love you very much wanagu all , "said Nay and even potafutwa very night that day (last Friday), he still heard crying in pain.
Session FAMILY formulated
When this magazine goes mitamboni, the source carefully kilivujisha information that there are some close relatives of Nay organize family session to find a solution to it.
"There is heavy session Made of family peace process but we kujuza more kitakapofanyika," the source said.

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