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HomeBURUDANIThis man implanted the late's face after the accident

This man implanted the late's face after the accident

Many accidental deaths world zimekua zikisababisha zikiacha while many others living with disabilities who protect them from losing focus of their lives and despair completely.

With many remain and disability, but also doctors have been striving all they can to bring back those people in their situation but one of the amazing event is Richard Norris boy who received fatal accidents and bring badly damaged its image.

Photos ikimwonyesha Norris before he had an accident, he had received after the imposition of the accident and the other face of the deceased

You are being told after the accident the boy was defeated from home for about 15 years and believe it or not this young man underwent surgery history that took 36 hours to transplant the new face of the man who died after an accident.

Surgery was held at the University of Maryland Hospital Medical Center and was successful to a large extent and now the young man keeps well being happy

Seen After Norris after surgery

What do we mean by saying insurance? Insurance is a protection against loss or is a risk coverage program or is guarantee given by government, company or organisational agency as a compensation for specified damage or death and return for premium payment. Insurance has several advantages and disadvantages, where today we are going to learn how you can gain when you have paid to insured by the insurance. Advantage of insurance is as follows 1. One can be replaced his or her own property when damaged with a reason, example when some who has insurance gets an accident and his vehicle gets replaced on time with no any problem. By doing this you can abstain from unwanted loses which come sometime one has other problems 2. When some takes life insurance can gain a lot to his family through future refunding of the money insured. Life insurance help widows, orphans and even relatives in future. 3. With insured house or property one will never worry about fire, earth quake and many more due to assurance of being refunded. Disadvantages of insurance 1. Even if nothing happened to your property you will never be refunded the annually payment you do. 2. Some of the insurance companies or agencies charge a lot where poor people could not afford. As udaku special Tanzania news presenter we advise every individual to focus on getting or going to visit insurance companies and get ful details you can visit AON, JUBILEE and many more. CREDITS: udaku special Tanzania English news presenter

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