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types of Men you should never waste your time on

10 types of Men you should never waste your time on

Most times the simple thing women want is for men to make plans, pick up the phone and ask them out.
The truth is most ladies are used to putting up with some bad habits from men who treat them like they don’t matter hence, they forget their true worth.
Ladies, there are some guys you shouldn’t give a time of the day once you meet them, no matter how charming they are towards you. Spotting these kind of men could be hard if you don’t have deal-breakers.
Amy Odell and Carly Cardellino of Marie Claire lists these types of guys you should never waste your time on.

1 – The guy who texts you every day for a week then disappears for 10 days, only to resurface and text you like everything’s normal. “Sorry, busy at work. How r u?” Breaking news: If he has enough time to go to the bathroom, he has enough time to send you a text message because you know he looked at his phone when he was in there.

2 – The guy who doesn’t know what he wants. If he can’t make up his mind about the best thing that ever happened to him (you), he’s an idiot. You deserve a man with a sense of direction and, oh, right, a brain.

3 – The guy who is incapable of making plans. “Hi, I’m in the area, still want to meet up today?” “Maybe. I’m at my friend’s place watching Batman.” #$*@(&#$ If he can’t meet you for lunch on a Sunday, imagine what introducing him to your parents or trying to take a vacation with him will be like.

4 – The guy who never introduces you to his friends, but he’s met all your friends and perhaps your family when they’ve visited you. Here’s a good rule to live by: See if he introduces you to his friends/family first — if he does, he’s serious about dating you. If he doesn’t, he’s just toying with you and you will get hurt in the end.

5 – The guy who only texts and never calls. Texts are for people who fear verbal communication and want an easy way to drop off the face of the earth for a week if they feel like it. Why would you want to be with a guy who can’t even talk to you? Easy: You don’t!
6 – The guy who always makes plans but then never follows through. Which means he probably sucks at bowling, playing darts, golfing, and throwing a football, because all these things require, say it with me, follow-through. If he can’t follow through on dinner, he’s a flake, and he could just as easily flake on your life if you try to build one with him.

7 – The guy who is, like, 34 about to turn 35, and still can’t get his sh*t together and commit to an exclusive relationship with you. Even though he tells you he loves you and wants to be with you. He’s not actually confused; he’s just lying at this point.

8 – The guy who is 30 and can’t afford his own rent. If you go home with him, you will also find yourself in the presence of his three other roommates, his Nintendo 64, and a fridge full of Pabst Blue Ribbon. And don’t think for a second that you’re going to sleep on a real bed with a headboard — his mattress is probably on the floor and next to a pile of dirty clothes. You, a woman who does have her shit together, do not have time for this.

9 – The guy who never seems to have any cash. “Can you grab dinner/this cab fare/the movie tickets again?” You may be sweet but you’re not that sweet, and you’re not his sugar mama. If you work hard for your money, you deserve a man who also works hard for his.

10 – The guy who acts like he’s in love with you, and then posts a photo of him and another girl he’s clearly also dating to Facebook the next day. It’s like he wanted you to see it — he friended you. Well, you didn’t sign up for a ménage à trois or getting dicked around by someone who cares so little about having you around that he’s basically advertising that he’s seeing other people.

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